A bouquet of flowers that are starting to die


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Death and life

01 February 2019
‘The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.'

If we're being honest, the end of our life isn't something we really want to think about. For most of us, it feels like it's way off in the distant future. And so we push it to the deepest corner of our minds. But as we saw in yesterday's reading, it's important to prepare now for spending the rest of eternity with God in heaven. When Jesus' good friend Lazarus was sick, his sisters Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus to let Him know. By the time Jesus got to their house, several days had passed. Lazarus had died and had been lying in a tomb for four days. But Jesus tells Martha 'the one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die' (John 11:25-26 NIV). He asks her if she believes this, and she replies 'I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God' (v. 27 NIV). Later, Jesus goes to the tomb and calls to Lazarus, who comes out wrapped up in his grave clothes, but fully alive. Just like His own death and resurrection later, Jesus shows that He has power over death for those who believe in Him. We don’t need to fear it, because just like Lazarus emerging from the tomb, it’s a new beginning, and we'll be reunited with Jesus. So how can we prepare now? By opening our hearts to Jesus, we can answer as confidently as Martha that He is Christ. We can't avoid death whenever it comes, but when we believe in Him, we can be sure that for us, death means eternal life.


What Now?

Make some time to pray for those who've lost friends or family recently. If you're grieving right now, know that God's close to you and will comfort you.

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