A women wearing a thin white robe stood in front of a cream curtain


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Jairus (3)

20 July 2018
‘A woman was in the crowd who had been bleeding for twelve years, but no one was able to heal her.’

When Jairus first went to Jesus, his daughter was critically ill but still alive. Then while he was with Jesus, he was told: ‘Your daughter is dead’ (v. 49 NLT). Jesus then looked at Jairus and said, ‘Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed’ (v. 50 NLT). In between approaching Jesus with his problem, and Jesus actually coming to his house to heal his daughter, Jesus performed another miracle. While Jesus was making his way to Jairus’ house, he felt power go out of Him. A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years had reached out and touched the edge of His robe, believing that she would be healed. Jesus took the time to find out who in the crowd had touched Him. He took the time to affirm this woman’s identity. While this healing was taking place, Jairus must have been becoming desperate. His daughter was seriously ill and Jesus was taking the time to deal with someone else. And to make matter worse, while Jesus was talking to the woman, a messenger cam to tell him that his daughter had died. How many times have we prayed and prayed over something in our lives, only to find that God seems to be answering everyone else’s prayers rather than ours. We are desperate for Him to move in our situations, but He seems to be focused on other people’s situations, even when our problems seem to have reached the point of no return. But Jesus has time for us all. He can perform miracles at any point. He still raised Jairus’ daughter back to life, an even bigger miracle than healing her from her sickness. Remember, ‘with God all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26 NIV).


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